Drip, Drip, Drip

Today was an ugly day outside. Rainy. Dreary. Dark. Yuck. But at least it wasn't too cold. Only about 50.
The ankle continues to heal. The tendinitus in the other foot is a pain, but let's not get into that. I'm icing both feet right now, as is my evening ritual.
My intramural team, the Geckos, surprisingly made it to the volleyball playoffs. We started the season 0-2, losing badly in both games. We improved a lot this season. Even though we only finished 3-4, we won a four-way tie for the fourth and final playoff spot based on our head-to-head record against the other 3-4 teams. Basketball playoffs are a week from Tuesday. As a team, we're going to see the b-ball movie Glory Road on Friday as a community-building, motivational activity.
I'm excited about my class schedule for next quarter. I registered Tuesday. I got Systematics III (Holy Spirit, living a Christian life, sacraments, the Word of God, End Times); Pastor as Educator (we spend three of the 10 weeks teaching religion class at a Lutheran elementary school); Isaiah and the Prophets (my last core class requiring knowledge of Hebrew!); Studies in Creation; and the Gospel in C.S. Lewis' writings. The last two are electives. Both should be a lot of reading, but I think the subject matter will be very interesting.
The weekend is halfway over. Sigh. Hope your weekend has been good.