Thanksgiving break
It has been about three weeks since I last posted. Guess I'm due.
Highlights of my two-week Thanksgiving break:
-Went to Chicago to visit family and friends. Spent quality time with relatives. Met some new people my age. Got a tour of downtown. Dallas seems small compared to Chicago.
-Read a good book about Michael Jordan's failed comeback with the Washington Wizards. (I cringe to type "Michael Jordan" and "Washington Wizards" in the same sentence. Images of an old, slow, cranky MJ.)
-Preached two sermons. One at Grace (home church) and one at Zion (field work church). Both sermons were completely from memory. No notes. I had never attempted that before. I woke up the morning before the sermon at Grace and felt like giving it a try. I hope I can preach from memory regularly. I didn't forget anything major either time. (Forgivenss made its way into the sermon both times. No noticable heresy.) I preached at two services at Grace and four at Zion. Preaching at four services in one weekend is a solid workload.
-Went for many jogs, including one this evening. I thought it would be wickedly cold back in St. Louis, but it's in the mid-50s as I type this. Not bad.
-Bought some new dress clothes thanks to the generosity of Aunt Barbara/Uncle Jim and Mom/Dad. New brown (I think it looks green) jacket, new pants, three shirt-tie combos. Early Christmas presents.
-I wrote a letter yesterday to a kid I sponsor through Compassion International. I've received one letter from him so far. He's in India. The letter has his handwriting in one column and a translation in the other. And I thought Hebrew letters looked weird.
OK, I'm done with the recap. Looking forward to intramural basketball. In addition to playing, I'm going to be a referee for the first time in my life. Yikes.
Have a great day.