Kennedy at Seminary

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sports and Barbeque

Fun weekend. Yesterday was Field Day, where we have a bunch of events so that students get to know each other. I participated in the home run derby. (That's another picture of me in action, this time swinging a bat.) I tied for first place (with zero homers. That's right; no one hit one over the fence. It's hard to hit a softball 250-270 feet). I played some full-court basketball and softball. My team of random students lost to the professors 8-7 in softball. Those guys are 80-90 years old! How embarrassing for us.
Afterward, we had the Holy Smokers from Gloria Dei Lutheran in Houston feed us barbeque. Texas invades the seminary! My plate was full of all kinds of red meat. I had a heart attack later that night. (Kidding.)
Today I led worship at my field work church. I walked in with my robe after having it dry cleaned during the week. My supervisor, Pastor Schwab, saw me and asked if I wanted to participate in church. I said sure. Great to be back in action.
This afternoon was the opening service for the sem. Dale Meyer was installed as our new president. He seems real cool. I expect that he'll be a good president.
Thanks for reading. I've recovered from the red meat, and now I'm ready for tonight's dinner at the dining hall. Adios.


  • I'm guessing you were using flight-restricted balls for the home run derby. Otherwise you someone should have hit some. What color was the dot on the ball? Sounds to me like the professors may be skirting the drug-testing policy. Seminary professors scoring 8 runs? Either your pitcher should hang it up or or they're doping.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:18 AM  

  • Brent and Dave: Thanks for the comments.
    Brent: Your comments are more entertaining than my posts. I wouldn't doubt the doping. I thought the profs had large heads because of all their knowledge, but now I wonder.
    Dave: I tried to respond on your site but wasn't able to access it. Blogger said the address you gave me doesn't exist. I'll just respond here instead.
    Thanks for the kind words about my sermons and about my dad.
    I have watched Charles Stanley on TV a few times. He keeps my attention pretty well. I've heard of The Bible Answer Man, but I don't know that I've actually heard him speak. I don't know John McArthur. You're right about the need for more "spiritual food" than just a 15-minute sermon. As someone who is exposed to theology constantly, I forget that sometimes people don't get much outside of Sunday. Thanks for making that point.

    By Blogger Christopher Kennedy, at 4:46 PM  

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